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    Letter to Our Constituents




    Dianna Liebnitzky - Logo (002).png

    District 5


    What does a County Commissioner do for you?

    • When Dianna is your Osceola County Commissioner she will work with local, State and Federal entities to assure funding designed for projects and objectives needed at the community level flows to the correct entity.

    • Design, draft and support policies for the greater public good to become actionable.

    • Help lead in making Osceola County an example of how to restore quality of life through pre-emptively managing effective community development plans.

    • Lead on continued support and development that will protect and enhance Osceola County as a key stakeholder in conservation and natural protections in the State of Florida for all generations and assure its future for those yet to come.

    • Believe and maintain a committment that our decisions are part of a Legacy that cannot fail our people.

    Prepared to Serve in Osceola County Commission District 5

    My life has been dedicated to the service of others through my years in healthcare and public policy design and implementation  In my various leadership roles in the State of Florida's Trauma System, Emergency Medicine, Pediatric Critical Care and as a Front line Disaster Responder. I have seen the best of humanity and also some very catastrophic situations. In these roles I have demonstrated the dedication it takes to be a true Servant Leader by being the person who works to serve the needs of the people not one's own self interest.


    Through these experiences I have gained an understanding of many of our community strengths as well as the ongoing development needs required to further support the safety, protection and our preparedness for unexpected events. Many of these events were a direct result of uncontained growth, economic and environmental impacts, public health crisis' and a number of naturally occurring catastrophes that stressed the infrastructure and put the people's safety and trust at risk.

    I am a proud native Floridian, born in Miami, eventually moving to Central Florida- St. Cloud,  more than 30 years ago. I have ultimate respect for our environment, communities and our amazing people.  I know that trust is something that I will have to earn and re-earn from the people everyday. I believe in this Great County of Osceola and our beautiful State and all of our people. Together we can create an environment for all of us to be successful and share the  protected resources.

    Florida has continued to change and grow and has become a major focus right here in Osceola County. Sometimes as a result of unexpected events, but most often through the desire of many to share the beauty and resources of our State. We must work through collaborative planning and development to support the inevitable growth. We must stand firm in our protection of Florida's vulnerable resources. Without planned protections, including assuring industry that we attract, will be environmentally compliant and developers will utilize appropriate community formulas for family friendly designs-WE WILL LOSE Osceola County's and inevitably Florida's economic stronghold forever. 

    Yes I am PASSIONATE about our objectives for Florida. When asked what my primary objectives will be the answer is fairly simple - Protect our Quality of Life! Sounds straightforward. This answer is actually quite massive as it encompasses everything from supporting our safe living environment and economic stability to  developing programs sponsored in part by future employers for our youth's readiness to enter into new and vigorous career opportunities and to the other end of the life spectrum by supporting the complex needs of our Seniors. These are basics for "Quality of Life" for many members of our Community.  

    The infrastructure to this affirmation of our Quality of Life will be visible through the development of public policy that will  maintain the protection and preparation for all areas of life. Ongoing commitment  to education and training of Law Enforcement, EMS and Fire Services with collaboration through State and Local resources will be a key foundation point. Infrastructure development funding must be held accountable through transparency and measurements of the return on investment (ROI) into our critical resources.  We must  have clearly written, publically accessible reports to promote community understanding and support.

    Our mantra must be Zero Increase in taxes that do not have a tangible outcome plan, quality measurements and milestone hard stops. This will include clearly defined short and long term projections for our objectives. What do we need? How much will it cost? How will it be used? Milestone measurement reports assuring correct planning and reduction of "lost" funds shall be mandatory. No more hidden deep pockets and imaginary re-work that falsely drains the tax dollars of Osceola County and Florida at large. 

    Most importantly YOU elect US, not to overshadow the will of our people but to represent the VOICE of the people. Help me support your future by being involved and communicating to me your ideas for the objectives for Osceola County-

                                                     Speak UP- Speak OUT- Vote.

    Final Note to the people:

    What type of Elected Commissioner will I be? 

    I AM FEARLESS and cannot be manipulated by groups that seek to profit on the back of our citizens and will NEVER surrender my INTEGRITY to be entangled in promises to big campaign contributors that do not embrace the common goals of our people and the best interest of Osceola.

    Without INTEGRITY we are nothing!

    Without Truth and Transparency we are nothing!

    Please JOIN WITH ME in this journey and help be the VOICE of our citizens for the change we deserve!

    .                                         You are always welcome to contact me. Learn about your Candidates.

    I will  prove that I AM THE choice for Osceola County Commission District 5

    Primary Objectives for Osceola County Commissioner District 5 - Dianna Liebnitzky

    #1 Always and forever put the best interest of the community and all of its citizens first in all decisions and planning. This will be proven by listening to the goals and ideas of our community. Diverse, insightful conversations must be part of the innovative ideas that we put into policy. Metrics will be put in place to measure the success and proposed success of how the outcome may impact the citizens for the short- and long-term objectives.


    Protect and advance our quality of life as evidenced by initiatives that will deliver: 

    • Community protection and disaster preparedness

    • Advance healthcare initiatives

    • Support Innovative education

    • Protect individual land rights

    • Environmentally sensitive community development and advancement of protections of Florida’s natural resources

    • Collaborate with Federal, State and Local leaders to create a 24/7 Job Market for all citizens across the age and skill spectrum

    • Clarity in the Policy process for effective Bills, Amendments and policy language that supports the community

    • Use of taxpayer dollars with clear return on investment measurements and appropriate representation NO 'Pet" Projects not embraced by the majority.



    Dianna Liebnitzky - Logo (002).png
    Paid for by Dianna Liebnitzky Republican Candidate for Oscoela County Commission District 5- 2024
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